Diabetics, read urgently

What is DKA?
DKA is a complication of diabetes with a blood sugar level of more than 240 that requires a doctor’s attention. This occurs when the body uses fat as an energy source instead of insulin due to a lack of insulin. When the fat starts to break down, ketones are released into the bloodstream causing blood to become acidic. In rare cases, one may have DKA with a level less than 240 known as euglycemic diabetes-related ketoacidosis.

Knowing when to go to the ER
A person with high blood sugar levels and DKA symptoms must visit the emergency room (ER) without delay. Symptoms such as vomiting, excessive thirst, dehydration, frequent urination, abdominal pain, and ketones in urine require the doctor’s immediate attention. A fruity smell of breath, shortness of breath, dry mouth, and confusion are also signs to watch out for.

Hyperglycemia affects your other organs
Uncontrolled or untreated high blood sugar levels can lead to detrimental effects on other organs. Skin, eyes, kidneys, heart, and nerves are areas that can be severely impacted by hyperglycemia if not treated right. Along with blood glucose level, getting these specific areas checked such as having an eye check-up is vital.